Innovative Interior Design Ideas

Innovative Interior Design Ideas for Your HDB Home


The most challenging aspect of designing the interior of a new home is always maximising every square foot of living space! To be organised and have a space serve multiple purposes requires more mental effort than you might anticipate.

We sympathise with your plight and have compiled a list of creative interior designs to help you get more space out of your 4-room HDB interior design while still making it appear the way you desire!

1. Combine the living room and dining room.

Many HDB householders combine their dining and living rooms to create a continuous, expansive space. Many achieve this by placing their dining table in the living room. Still, you can also achieve this by transforming your typical dining table into an island that functions as a partition, dining area, and workstation, depending on how you wish to use the space at any given time.

If you prefer to separate your kitchen and living room, you do not have to sacrifice the appearance of a spacious living room. Many of our clients prefer to add a subtle element of separation by utilising glass partitions; in this way, the spaces are not visually separated, but there is still a sense of distinction where desired.

2. Build custom storage and platforms.

Building custom platforms with your four-room HDB flat is another method for combining, maximising, and visually enlarging space. In multiple ways, this lends function and space to a room.

Designers construct custom shelving that either blends into walls and partitions to provide you with additional storage space in a small apartment without taking up additional space or appearing bulky. This eliminates debris and creates additional space! In addition, installing a ceiling-to-floor shelf in a room instantaneously makes it feel grandiose and larger.

An analogous argument can be made for elevated platforms within a room. A fast glance at the floor plans above reveals that 4-room HDBs are typically square and angular, making your home feel cramped and one-dimensional. Adding elevated platforms creates strata within a room, adding dimension and intrigue and enhancing the room’s aesthetic appeal.

3. Add a walk-in wardrobe without overpowering the space.

Perhaps every woman’s fantasy is to have a walk-in closet. However, most of us simply presume this is unachievable in a 4-room HDB. Yet, if you ask, you shall receive! It’s not as complicated as it sounds to have a walk-in wardrobe in your room; it’s a matter of space allocation! For instance, you can have our designers create a custom nook that integrates with the wall space in your room so that the wardrobe doesn’t feel like it’s taking up too much room.

Another delightful design possibility involves a walk-in wardrobe with a partition that functions as the headboard of your bed! This partitions the bedroom into a sleeping area and a wardrobe while proportionally expanding the space. It also maintains a seamless flow in the bedroom, creating the impression of ample space.

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